Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A Labor of Love?

Good afternoon! Today's topic of discussion is the play A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams. More specifically, I will be focusing on the female characters Stella and Blanche.

I was personally shocked by the play's conclusion. It is truly heart-breaking that after all of the verbal abuse and the sexual assault that Blanche had received from Stanley, that her sister would send her away to a place full of strangers where she would be treated as a mental case. Although Blanche was a victim of rape, in my opinion, her mentality did not fit the stigma of those with mental illnesses who would be sent to asylums during this time period. Blanche was merely a victim of the situation. She had nothing but love in her heart from the time she was a young woman, but she was forced into bad habits by people who cared nothing of her feelings. She also had experienced trauma with her husband's death, and coped the only way she knew how. 
If I had been in Stella's position, my first thought upon hearing of Blanche's rape would have been to divorce Stanley. The more reasonable course of action would have been to move away from the house. Unfortunately, if Stella had decided to end things with Stanley, she could not kick him out of the house. For Stanley was the man and that was his home, although the home was more of a shared living space. In addition, it would have been difficult for Stella and Blanche to find a new start. Blanche had lost the ownership of the old estate, The next best choice would be to find housing with a friend, but there was no indication in the play that this would be a viable option.

Overall, I really questioned Stella's morals after she made it seem as if she had no choice but to send Blanche away. In addition, I would not have been able to live with a husband who had done something so inexcusable to my sister.

I thought to myself what it would be like if Blanche had written from the mental institution to Stella. This is my best interpretation: 

My dearest Stella,
I am writing you for the fourth time now. I am sure that you have received my previous letters, but are unable to find the words to respond right now. I know that what I told you had to have been difficult to hear. You are such a good girl, and did not deserve such a sorrowful existence. Is the baby doing well? Oh, how I long to hold the child in my arms. It has been four months now since I have seen your face, and it is causing me great agony. I saw the pain in your eyes as well the day that they took me away. At first, I resisted, but I became calm when I came to the realization that you were sending me to a safe haven. Surely, you did not want me to be around for the violence when you told Stanley that you had to depart. That must have been much to endure, but I am proud of you, my dear. Please write to me soon and tell me your current place of residence. I hope to be with you again soon.
Sometimes I feel faint and I begin to think that my being here is a consequence for all that I have done. I believe my kissing that boy who resembled an Arabian prince was the last straw, and that this is my karma. But I know that someone will come for me soon...
I have not thought about Mitch at all. He is as much as an ape as Stanley. Looking back, he never treated me the way a man ought to treat a lady.
Before I go, could you please send this message along to Shep Huntleigh-

In a desperate situation. Send for me in the yacht. I will be wearing lavender. Sincerely, Miss Dubois. 

I must go now. They are telling me that my time to write is over. They will take this letter from me and send it to you. I do hope to hear from you this time...

With Love, Blanche.

In my interpretation, Blanche believes that Stella has left Stanley, but in reality she has stayed with him. She also believes that her letters are being sent to Stella, but they are being held by the orderlies at the institution. Blanche still holds onto the delusion that Shep Huntleigh will come for her. There is little hope that Blanche will leave soon.

What is your interpretation of the play's conclusion? What events are to follow? Would the course of action taken by Stella be accepted by today's standards? 

Until next time!


  1. Sarabia you did a wonderful job on this post! Well done! I completely understand how you feel about Stanley, and I too believe that part of the reason that Blanche is the way she is, is because of people like him. I am not excusing the choices that Blanche made herself, but I do totally agree that what Stanley did to her was not making things better. I honestly think too that even if Blanche did end up visiting her sister, in the same situation she was in, that if her sister would have married a different kind of man things would have turned out differently. Overall I, like you, wanted Stella to leave Stanley, and was shocked that Stella could be so cruel to send her own sister to an insane asylum. But at that point that was really not much anyone could do for her. I loved how creative you were with your letter from Blanche to Stella! Very well done!

  2. I really enjoyed reading your interpretation as well! I enjoyed reading the play and I too was shocked by the ending. I believe that Stella was too blinded by her love for Stanley that she did not want to believe Blanche's accusations. I thought your letter to Stella from Blanche was very creative and I can imagine Blanche's character writing it. I think Stella's course of action would not be accepted in today's standards, yet I'm sure many women who stay in abusive relationships would understand. I think if Stella would have been more strong willed and outgoing like Blanche then she never would have married someone like Stanley. Likewise if Blanch would have been more like Stella, maybe she would have settled down and remarried instead of having a series of flings over the years. Great post!
